Tuesday 31 August 2010

Electric cars = bad for the environment?

A new report by the Swiss government has indicated that electric cars might actually be bad for the environment. The claims center around the processes used to mine the litium for the batteries, and the eventual disposal of them.


  1. Puhleeeze! Electric cars are far better for the environment that those gas guzzlers!

  2. You also have to take into consideration how that electricity is generated.

    If its from fossil fuels then all you are doing is exporting the problem to someone else.

    Microgeneration holds a lot of promise if people can generate electricity in their own homes and charge their cars using things like solar panels or even thermal devices then electric cars become the best way to transport goods and people.

  3. I remember reading somewhere that most of the carbon emissions in the world come from industry and that cars actually don't produce that much carbon emissions can anyone find the article?
